Wednesday, January 10, 2007

add an item to my wishlist:

Apple iPhone! It looks sweet... and although I should wait until they work out the kinks and the price drops, I want one! Finally, Apple has made a leap into the phone market. Take a look at the demos... the graphics are crazy!

In completely unrelated news, did anyone else watch the new comedy series, Little Mosque on the Prairie? I didn't find it to be too bad... just not what it was hyped up to be. I also find it ironic that the same actress who wears tank tops and skirts on You Bet Your Ass plays a hijabi Muslim woman in this show.

1 comment:

'liya said...

The show was okay... I'll have to judge by watching the second episode because the first show didn't exactly make me laugh out loud.

As for the actress, I guess that's part of her job right? To portray different people ...