Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Say you will, say you will...

It's 1am, the night before a 40% assignment is due (ha, what else is new?) and I can't get the chorus of this song out of my head (infact, I'm beginning to like it). It's among a few songs that keep playing over and over on the speakers at work.

Today has been one of those crummy days. Nothing in particular put me in this mood, but it's just not been a good day. I'm completely and utterly exhausted after being out of the house for 15 hours. If there's two things that I find comfort in, it's that 1, my parents are always there to support me in any way I need it and 2, that my fiancee is an amazing person and she knows how to put a smile on my face.

Argh... back to the assignment.


'liya said...

Having people support you in during those critical times when big assignments are due is great! It can give you a much needed energy boost to know there's people who care.

As a teacher I probably shouldn't admit that working right before the deadline often turns out much better work than if you had started the day it was assigned... :S

Umar said...

ha! you're telling me!
I've written atleast three posts about last-minute assignments.
This, this, and this.
The last one, I started the night before, worked all night and the following day, handed it in 3 hours into the class (I was the only one to hand it in the day it was due) and if I recall correctly I got an A or B+.

'liya said...

So there you go! :D

Anonymous said...

haha. i was reading your hayy ibn yaqthaan thing..didn't realise people studied it. It was one of my favourite bedtime stories when I was younger..partially because it was the longest in the story book and so interesting.

wanted to ask summat..was looking through your flickr and wondering [sorry if this seems obvious or whatever] see the picture u took of behrouz..did you actually do any photoshop editing or is it like that? and did you station any lights near him or was that just the flash of the camera?

Anonymous said...

it seems kinda glowy. dont know if am making any sense. :^)

Umar said...

The setup for that picture was quite similar to what we did here.

There was one shoot-through umbrella and one softbox set on either side of the face.

Afterwards, I took it into Photoshop, brought down the saturation, and added the soft glow.(among other things)

Anonymous said...

cool, thanks for that :)