Wednesday, May 16, 2007

dust off the ol' blogger account

Again, its been a while since I last posted.

So what's happened between now and then?
I no longer work at Staples. My last day there was a bit hectic, seeing how I had to close down the copy centre by myself. At the end, it was just myself and the store manager locking up.

I'm continuing to work at my full-time graphic design job. Alhumdullilah, that's going well. I got an email from a design firm asking for my resume and portfolio. I'm assuming they picked up my contact info from the design show. (I still need to send them something).

Those photos that I lost on my memory card have been completely recovered by Lexar (along with a ton of other old photos that I had deleted off the card long ago). I'm really glad too, since there were a lot of good shots. ('liya, I'll try to get more photos into the "public" soon!). I've now been hired to photograph another wedding in 2 weeks, and another in July.

I'm graduating! Official grades were released today and my status is now "eligible to graduate". I was surprised when I saw some of my grades, because I did much better than I was expecting (see, I'm a bit of a pessimist when it comes to grades). The convocation ceremony will be on June 11. Speaking of which, if any of you readers know about viewing York's convocations via webcast, let me know. My fiancee is looking forward to participating :)


Em said...

a) you're graduating
b) you've got a fiancee
c) you've got a couple jobs lined up

Congratulations are sure in order! Well done, ma sha Allah!

'liya said...

You should send some kind "secret message" to your fiancee through the camera - something subtle that only she'll catch when viewing the webcast... it'll make it more interesting and she can then have something to look for, kinda like a game for just the two of you. Maybe some kind of signal that she can look for that's directed just to her? Otherwise, she's going to be bored as anything because V attended my convocation and was bored out of his mind, and that's being there in person!

I'd definitely love to see more photos, wedding ones preferably, if of course, the bride and groom allow you to put some up :)

Umar said...

thanks em.

liya, i was thinking the exact same thing (about a secret message).

my sister tells me of how boring convocations are... but meh, 4 years and all that money later, i'm going to see it all the way through.

Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Salams Umar!

I come with a proposal! You are a photographer and judging by your flickr pics, a very good one mashallah. Would you like to be our Canadian connection on Global Themes?

You have seen the photoblog I started couple of months ago?

Drop me a line either on email or over at albaal if you're interested. Only demand is minimum one post a week :)

'liya said...

You know what you told me before about keeping you in mind as a photographer for my wedding?--well I'm doing that :) Right now it seems like this are happening very quickly and I hardly have a moment to breath but I have questions to ask you so expect an email in a week (though when I say 'in a week' I really mean in 2 weeks).

Umar said...

shaykhspeara - check over on albaal :)

liya - thanks! you know how to reach me when you're ready with those questions. :)

Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Salams again! So glad you want to join us :)

I will need an email to invite you as a contributor so please email me at shaykhspeara (at) hotmail (dot) com